auto repair and maintenance services in la salle, co

Choose our experienced local mechanics in La Salle, CO to provide it

About Our Company

Auto work shouldn't feel stressful

Our process is straightforward and reliable. When you come to us, we'll:

We handle everything from heavy linework to routine maintenance. Bring your vehicle to our auto repair shop today.


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About Our Company

We do Flat repairs, Wheel balancing, and New Tire install

A black and white icon of a hexagon with a circle in the middle.

High Quality Materials

A black and white icon of a heartbeat in a square on a white background.

Expert Craftsmanship

A black and white drawing of a z on a white background.

Unbeatable Service

Our Services

Hit a Bump in the Road?

Depend on our auto repair shop in La Salle, CO

Your car needs some routine care to continue running the way it should. You want to bring your vehicle to a team of trusted mechanics. Kill Switch Automotive is an established auto repair shop in La Salle, CO- just a short drive away from Evans, CO. We've been providing everything from tune-ups to fleet services to individuals and organizations since 2012. You can bring any make or model of vehicle to our local mechanics. We'll provide exceptional care using high-end parts from companies like GM.

An ASE-certified mechanic will diagnose the issue

About us

Our local mechanics offer a variety of services. You can come to us for affordable and comprehensive repair, diagnostic and preventive maintenance services. We can work on all kinds of parts, including:

  • Brakes
  • CV axles
  • Radiators
  • Timing belts
  • Head gaskets
  • Suspension
  • Alternators
  • Fuel pumps
  • Starters
  • Electrical components

Many drivers rely on us because we're ASE-certified. The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) requires master technicians to show expertise in eight automotive areas. This is a high honor that only the most skilled mechanics receive.